Beginner's Guide
Understanding different kinds of eartips for your Earphones or IEMs
If you're someone who just got a brand new in-ear monitor, one of the things that I think you should be thinking about is whether or not you've got the right ear tip for your ears while listening to music. The ear tip is an easily overlooked part of your listening setup, and ear tips come in so many different kinds today that changing the ear tip alone can make a difference to the way that you listen to music on your in-ear monitor.
Hi guys this is Raghav here from Headphone Zone. If you're someone who justgot yourself a brand new in-ear monitor, one of the things that I think youshould be thinking about carefully is whether or not you've got the right ear tipfor your ears while listening to music. I think the ear tip is an easily overlookedpart of your listening setup and ear tips come in so many different kinds todaythat changing the ear tip alone can make a huge difference to the way that youlisten to music on your in ear monitor.
Do Eartips Really Make a Difference
One thing you should know is that we've got so many different kinds today andone of the most popular kind of ear tips that people choose is a foam ear tipespecially memory foam ear tips from brands like Comply. What a memory foamear tip does is very very simple it basically uses a material that is activated byyour body heat and starts to expand so the way to use it is to really take yourtip, swap it out for a comply foam ear tip, squeeze it down, put it inside your earand detecting your body heat starts to expand taking the exact shape of yourinside of your ear canal. So the thought process behind this is pretty simple.When we talk and move our mouth, the ear canal expands and contracts just alittle bit so if you pick your finger and you put it inside your ear and you movearound you can see that the ear canal is moving around up and down and that'swhy a foam ear tip can be so much more comfortable as your ear canal movesup and down that it can last you for several hours without causing any fatigueespecially when you're listening to music on the go. A foam ear tip also does agreat job of isolating the outside noise very very effectively so that the volumesthat you're listening to don't have to be sold out to drown out the background.It can be low enough for you to appreciate and enjoy the music for severalhours at a stretch some people also can describe the bass becoming a littlethicker and a little fuller with the comply foam ear tip and this is usuallybecause the low frequencies are presented just a little bit closer to your earcanal and your your drums because the earphone is now just a couplemillimetres deeper than it would normally would be. With a silicone ear tip another kind of eartip which is completely different in its philosophy fromComply is what we call a Spin Fit ear tip. A Spin Fit ear tip also attempts toachieve the same goals which is to give you a much more comfortable listeningexperience with an earphone going just a little bit deeper into your ear canaland therefore giving you a fuller sounding bass. A Spin Fit ear tip has a rotatingor a movable nozzle and the thought process behind this is that our ear canalsare not one straight tunnel, it contours just a little bit left and right and a SpinFit stay here to rotate into your ear canal just a little bit more, taking yourearphone nozzle just a little bit deeper. Now I'm someone who really enjoysSpin Fit ear tips because I find that it just fits me like a glove. The goal with allear tips is still the same for it to fit you perfectly, for it to last you long enoughwithout causing any fatigue when you're listening to music and for you to findthat it blocks out the outside sound really really well. Ear tips make a differenceif you get them right. Absolutely!
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